SixenseVR 2013-2016 Sixense Entertainment

A multi-platform SDK for head and hand tracking using the Razer Hydra and STEM System magnetic tracking hardware. Provides a full-body avatar, realistic hand interaction, network synchronization, and is integrated into Unity and Unreal. Works with any modern HMD system including GearVR and Cardboard.

Worked as project lead, designed and implemented the high level tracking and interaction systems with code-free developer tools. These tools were used by our design and art team to build our showcase demos.

Designed and implemented VR tracking API for Razer Hydra and STEM System magnetically tracked controllers. Developed sensor fusion between a magnetic tracking module and existing HMD sensors for registration between the two tracking spaces, allowing our controllers to work accurately in VR without manual calibration, while also adding untethered position tracking to 3-dof VR syetems including Gear VR.

Documented and expanded our primary hardware driver and API, and researched new tracking methods and enhancements. Invented a form of sensor fusion that partially corrects common magnetic field distortions using additional inertial measurements, greatly improving the accuracy of our hardware at longer distances and making it viable for 360 degree VR experiences.

Created an inverse kinematics-based skeletal tracking API, allowing different game engines to use a common avatar pose generator, using as many tracking points as are available from our system, including leg tracking. Integrated into Valve Source Engine, Unity 3D Engine, and Unreal Engine 4 as a modular C API plugin with additional engine-specific tools.

Created a full VR port of Valve's Portal 2, utilizing the above tracking and inverse kinematics systems. In both single and multiplayer, the character models were visible in first person, following the player's motions and interacting properly with the portals in the games. Implemented systems allowing players to reach their heads and hands through portals seamlessly. Fixed various rendering issues to make portal rendering work correctly in stereoscopic VR. Created new physics interactions, allowing players to naturally pick up and move cubes using the portal gun.

Created visual tools for Unity and Unreal integration. By interactively lining up a 3D model of the tracking hardware with the avatar character grabbable prop/weapon models, develoepers can quickly set up accurate tracking of both virtual and real world objects to line up naturally with tracking hardware. This included haptic gun and table tennis paddle accessories with 3D printed attachment brackets. Created setup wizards for complex skeletal avatars, allowing quick application of realistic inverse kinematics to player avatars by non-technical designers and artists.

Worked with artists and gameplay designer to create several gameplay demos and prototypes in both Unity and Unreal. Implemented custom collision system for hand held objects for accurate continuous intersection from objects like swords and tennis rackets, used in our Slash mini-game for precisely deflecting projectiles with an energy sword. Implemented various other small gameplay and physics systems at need for various demos. Optimized demos for both PC and Gear VR.

Implemented network serialization and interpolation of tracking data used for inverse kinematics, allowing for simple multiplayer synchronization. This was used in our SiegeVR archery demos, allowing players to cooperate and compete at various archery contests and base defense game modes. Expanded our tracking and IK apis to work with Valve's OpenVR backend, allowing seamless compatibility with HTC Vive and Oculus Touch.
